
A BWAH! and a Boo!

WGA Strike: A Love Story (A YouTube video)

As was said elsewhere, this is what happens when people who are paid to be funny have too much time on their hands.

On the not funny side, WGA picketers put the home address of a studio exec on their signs for yesterday’s big rally down Hollywood Blvd, which then got posted online. That’s not cool, yo. It’s disrepectful, and doesn’t win points for the cause.


Dreamin’ my life away

I have that song stuck in my head, the dreeeeeeam, dream dream dream, dreeeeeeeam, dream dream dream song. It’s the last song playing on the ipod this morning before I got out of the car, which was quite apt at the time, given I’d daydreamed my way along my commute. It’s a wonder I didn’t cause an accident.

The Christmas confusion has started, wherein I feel happy and joyous for all things Christmassy and cheery, except for when I feel depressed and stressed about presents and shopping and packing and missing Christmasses past. It’s a topsy-turvy time of year. Sometimes I’m sad that I don’t have “that special someone” to share it with, who might help take some of the pressure off while at the same time adding to the special joyousness of the season, but I try not to dwell on it, since I’m unwilling to take steps to change anything.

Hmm. I think that stupid song has to come off the ipod.

In other news, I had Thanksgiving-themed nightmares last night, which is odd since I’m not hosting this year, nor am I doing the bulk of the cooking, so really, what the hell? Nightmares be gone!

And speaking of, when I was a kid, I suffered from frequent nightmares that scared the bejeesus out of me. I even became frightened of the very word “nightmare”, and would flip out anytime anyone said it in my presence, convinced that the word caused the dreams. I can’t remember when I stopped fearing the word, but it obviously happened at some point. I still get nightmares sometimes, but the really bad ones are usually only once or twice a year. (And a hallelujah! to that!)


Yesterday could’ve gone better

Gracie’s back in the hospital, with a respiratory infection. Please think good thoughts for her speedy recovery.

Since I couldn’t visit Grace, I hung out with her family and the visiting Sara instead. Noah’s as cute as can be, with such a sunny disposition it’s hard not to smile when you’re around him. The “Planet Earth” dvds were less sunny, and I had to leave before witnessing more nature at work. Nature sucks.

I was unable to reach my goal of 1200 calories, but I almost hit 1000, so it wasn’t as bad as previous days. I went grocery shopping, got lots of fruits and veggies, and I’ve planned my menu for the day, and yet? Still can’t reach 1200. I have to figure what I’m (still) doing wrong, ’cause that just doesn’t seem right. Surely not all calories come from evil carbs?

Must stop thinking of baby elephants.


1200 or bust!

I was torn on what to talk about today. I was planning on sharing my Scrabble/Scrabulous strategy tips, because I’m starting to feel like a Scrabulous bully and I was thinking it might level the playing field if I explain how I play.

But really, what’s freshest in my mind is my current calorie dilemma. As I mentioned two days ago, my caloric intake has been rather low lately–after some research, I’ve learned it’s starvation mode low–and it’s been totally by accident. The fact is, I’m horribly LAZY. Why does this matter? ‘Cause I hate to cook, so I buy foods that require little to no cooking. And sometimes, I’m too lazy to go grocery shopping, so I just eat what few protein bars remain in the house. I don’t feel hungry, but I do feel tired, which means an even stronger aversion to grocery shopping and preparing any food that requires, well, preparation, and it becomes a big ugly circle of SLOTH.

Ok, so I’m lazy. Which means my average calorie intake over the past week (excepting Friday, when I binged on a calorie heavy brunch) was around 800 calories a day–400 less than the recommended healthy minimum. Isn’t that insane?! I mean, holy crap! I’m starving myself! I don’t think I’ve ever felt more stupid.

I consider this a breakthrough, though. Now that I’m tracking this stuff, I’m aware of the problem, which should mean I can fix it, right? The first step is always recognizing and owning the problem. To that end, my goal today is to eat at least 1200 calories–without resorting to Chinese or pizza or a double cheeseburger. Sounds hard, and I’m not sure how to do it, but that’s my goal.

Maybe tomorrow I’ll give away my Scrabulous secrets. 🙂



Museum entranceI don’t really feel like coming up with a topic to discuss, so I chose a picture at random from my Flickr stream. This picture comes from page 217. It’s a picture of the entrance plaza at the Getty Museum, all lit up special for our holiday party last year. Our next holiday party is only a few weeks away, and all I can think is, holy carp, how did it already become the holiday season?! I’m also thinking, I shall miss my coworkers who have departed in the year since this picture was taken. The party won’t be the same without them. 🙁