
Sleepy Friday

Yeesh! All the late nights this week caught up to me today–slept until eleven, had breakfast, then took a nap before my 2pm appointment. I don’t think it was enough, ’cause it felt like the walk across the parking lot was 20 miles instead of, you know, a parking lot. Then the Coffee Bean gave me a regular latte instead of vanilla, so that happened. Blech.

But at least I got in some practice at the pool hall after my appointment, which was necessary since I’d missed league this week thanks to excessive working. I practiced draw shots and shots on balls frozen on the rail (which I used to be good at, but have been sucking mightily at lately).

Mostly I’m just happy to be home, chilling on the couch and watching more of Lost Girl. (Don’t judge me.)

Thank gawd it’s only Friday!

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